Customers Reviews & Testimonials

  • Recent studies demonstrated that H2 has preventive and therapeutic potential as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective agent that rival those of currently available prescription drugs
  • H2 is the youngest member of medical gases family with selective anti-oxidative properties. The mechanism it works is different from that of traditional drugs because it selectively reduces cytotoxic free radicals - the root cause of many diseases.
  • Due to its marked efficacy, non-toxicity at higher concentrations, high bio-membrane penetration and rapid cellular diffusion features of Molecular Hydrogen ensures the feasibility and readiness to be a next generation therapeutic candidate for medical applications.
  • Molecular hydrogen (H2) is the smallest gas molecule made of two protons and two electrons. It’s ionized from water and again one atom away from being water, makes it an effective ANTIOXIDANT candidate over prescription drugs. H2 is superior to some antioxidant supplements with strong reductive activity such as vitamin C or vitamin E to avoid the increased risk of mortality
  • Hydrogen has so far demonstrated in over 1500 high quality scientific studies to have therapeutic potential for the prevention and treatment of more than 170 human and animal disease models
  • Hydrogen gas restores balance in the battle between the constant onslaught of free radicals and our health with antioxidant protection.